Kinetic Applications Low Light Night Vision Course


Our Kinetic Applications Low Light Night Vision Course is an 10+ hour course that requires participants to accurately engage targets in a team environment during day and night conditions. This is not a beginner’s course. All attendees must be existing clients of Quiet Professional Defense (Shadow Mountain Group, LLC), and have successfully completed Kinetic Handgun 1 and Kinetic Carbine 2. All participants must be able to pass a background check, and/or possess a current valid New Mexico Concealed Handgun License or LEO/first responder/Military credentials and be in good standing with their agency.

Kinetic Applications Course Gear List
Carbine or pistol caliber carbine equipped with Red Dot Sight (Aimpoint, Holosun, etc.)
Weapons mounted light required (Modlite, Surefire, Streamlight, etc.)
IR illumination/aiming device recommended (ATPIAL, MAWL, DBAL Holosun, Phantom Hill, etc.)
450 rounds minimum,  for carbine (no reloads)
Rifle magazines, standard 30 round capacity (5 min)
2-point adjustable rifle sling (S2Delta, Vikings Tactics, Magpul, etc.)
Rifle magazine pouch(s) (minimum of 2 recommended)
Handgun w/RDS (Trijicon, Aimpoint, or Holosun recommended)
Weapon mounted light for handgun recommended
150 rounds minimum for handgun (no reloads)
Handgun magazines (5 min)
Quality Holster (must support RDS and/or WML)
Sturdy pistol belt
Pistol magazine pouch(s)
Handheld flashlight required (Modlite, Surefire, Streamlight, etc.)
Night Vision Binocular/Monocular recommended (PVS-14/15/31A/C/D))
Helmet for mounting Night Vision strongly recommended
Knee Pads recommended
Weapon cleaning kit & lube
Hearing/eye protection
Clothes appropriate for the season and a high-altitude desert
Long sleeve shirt & pants
Closed toed athletic/outdoor footwear
Ball cap
Water, snacks, lunch/dinner
Sunscreen & Chapstick

PREREQUISITES: This is not a beginner’s course. All attendees must be current clients of Quiet Professional Defense and able to pass a Criminal Background Check. All attendees must have successfully completed Kinetic Handgun and Kinetic Carbine Course or equivalent. LEOs/First Responders/and Active Military/Reserve/Guard must submit valid credentials and be in good standing with their current agency/command.

Questions? Contact your Lead Instructor prior to course start date.

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Our Kinetic Applications Low Light Night Vision Course is a 1-Day, 10+ hour course that requires participants accurately engage targets using handguns and carbines during day and night conditions. This is not a beginner’s course. All attendees must be existing clients of Quiet Professional Defense (Shadow Mountain Group, LLC), and have successfully completed Kinetic Handgun 1 and Kinetic Carbine 2. All participants must be able to pass a background check, and/or possess current LEO/first responder/Military credentials and be in good standing with their agency.

The course begins with a daylight firearms diagnostic followed by a discussion on the use of handheld and weapons mounted lights and night vision devices. The course progresses into low light and no light engagements using weapons mounted and handheld flashlights, weapons and helmet mounted Night Vision Devices (if equipped), and weapons mounted infrared illumination and laser aiming devices. Expect the day to go late into the night.


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